A question that many race fans might ask is; who is that taking those pictures? Look close and it might be Frank Galante of ThrottleJunkie.com fame. I say it might be because Frank has been taking action sports photos over the last 17 years. Not just short course racing action but all types of action motor sports shots.
Go check out his ThrottleJunkie.com page and one will see Frank is involved heavily in all types of motor sports. Those into free style motocross may have laid eyes on the cover of Crusty Demons 7th Mission which Frank was the one pulling the trigger on that shot. Shooting action is not all Frank does. When not operating his Galante Real Estate company he also put together a seven member amateur motocross team that he calls TJ Riders. The team currently has six young gentlemen and one young lady competing. Click on ThrottleJunckie.com for many action shots of Rounds 5 & 6 at Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park.
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