LOORRS Series Director Ritchie Lewis announced approval of LOPE LS3 engine and/or EFI engine systems to compete in 2017. He wanted to remind all that LOORRS “have not” mandated a time, nor do they have a time in mind, with regards to the mandated use of EFI in Pro 2-Pro 2 or the Lucas OEM Prolite engine (LOPE LS3) Prolite engine platform. The approval does not state when the rules become mandatory.
LOORRS is not implementing a program to phase out carburetors at this time. All teams would have the option to continue to use the current engine package through the phase in period so no one would be forced to spend money until they are ready or until current engine is worn out and needs replacement.
Lewis wanted to insure teams that there are no timelines established as to when you must change over to any form of these approved engines or systems. Lewis welcomes your thoughts or concerns.
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