One Voice is a non-profit national association committed to promoting the rights of motorized enthusiasts by improving advocacy in keeping public and private lands open for responsible recreation through strong leadership and collaboration.
One Voice was born from the concept of presenting a unified voice for motorized recreation through a national platform representing the diverse OHV community. One Voice represents the many layers of the OHV Industry: from manufacturers, dealers, associations and grass roots organizations, to leaders and representatives of the trade industry. There is a wide range of entities currently representing the OHV community advocating for responsible use, promoting specific causes, providing resources, education & training tools, and lobbying for access. One Voice has a specific focus to ensure OHV recreation is sustainable and to protect our access to public and private lands.
One Voice will amplify advocacy efforts throughout the country by affecting change through planning, policy, and direct action. This will be accomplished by a collaborative approach through active partnerships with agency representatives, lawmakers, and regulators while creating a professional presence in Washington DC.
The process of developing the One Voice organizational structure was initiated in July of 2014 and continues to evolve as we build momentum across the country. Originally, the inception of One Voice was established for the purpose of unifying the 4WD community together under a national umbrella organization. There are a multitude of four wheel drive associations and clubs across the country; however this sector of the OHV community was missing a professional structured presence at the national level. Rather than limiting the One Voice concept to a particular use (ATV/UTV, dirt bike, snowmobile/4WD) of OHV recreation, leaders, professionals, managers and enthusiasts recognized a need for a structure that encourages collaboration. This platform connects business to grassroots by influencing decisions, shaping policy and directly impacting our ability to enjoy all forms of motorized use. It’s a simple concept; we will accomplish more when we have a unified message across our diverse group of users and we will work towards a common objective of access and the freedom to ride off-road.
There are seven regions across the United States within the organization representing the diverse issues around OHV access. Each region is represented by enthusiasts and industry and connects at events, meetings, and annually at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas. Currently, there are three regions that are active and meeting; the West, Southeast and the Northeast.
Getting involved is simple. Anyone with a passion for OHV recreation and is willing to work at keeping lands open for motorized recreation can contact ORBA (Off-Road Business Association). from that point, ORBA will connect you with the appropriate regional representative and ensure you have a voice when it comes to keeping trails and land open for OHV use.
What does it cost?
Joining One Voice is absolutely free. There are no membership dues or fees. One Voice is seeking members willing to get involved and commit to accomplishing difficult yet rewarding challenges the motorized community is faced with.
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